Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Make A Spell Jar...

What is a 'Spell Jar'?  It is a jar that you put spell ingredients into, and then seal it.  As long as the seal remains in tact, the energy from the combined ingredients and your initial intention will radiate that intention at a low frequency, fulfilling that spell's intention for years to come. 

Some 'Spell Jar' themes might include:
*Attracting Romance
*Making Sex Better
*Managing Your Money Better
*Protection From Incoming Negative Energy
*Helping A Good Relationship to Remain Intact
*Removing Depression
*Getting Ghosts To Move On

In fact, the list is as long as the individual's needs.  You might want to make a 'Spell Jar' for each of the Celtic Witchcraft Feasts, or for the Esbat.  You might have a personal need, like having a better relationship with your neighbor, or family member.  Whatever it is, here is how to make an elementary 'Spell Jar'. 

1.  Wash out any food jar that you recently emptied, and then dry it.  Get the label off of it along with any glue.  You may need to use 'goo-gone' to get the sticky label-glue off of the glass.  If you don't have access to 'goo-gone' try immersing the jar in a pot of boiling water and keep scrubbing the glue off, but take care not to burn your hands.

2.  When the jar and lid are completely washed, free of labels and glue and dried thoroughly, you can do a few different things to it:

a.  Fill it up as it is.  this way you can see what is in it.  Set the jar where you need it to be.
b.  Make 'dots' all over the interior with 'glowing' craft paint - they come in many colors, then...
c.  Pour acrylic paint on the inside of the jar and 'swirl' it around until the interior is fully covered in paint, then pour the rest of the paint back into the paint jar (recently used house paint works well for this);
d.  Let the interior of the jar dry completely;  THEN GLUE A LABEL ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE JAR.  Do this with normal 'Elmer's Glue', or mod-podge type glue.  You can make a label by printing a Victorian or even a 'Halloween' Themed label off of the web, or you can tear a white piece of typing paper into a label shape, so the edges are torn-looking.  Put a thin layer of blue over the back of the label, or just draw the glue all over the label back with the nozzle of the glue bottle tip.  Put the label on the jar, and then, using a wet paint brush, gently paint over the front of the label so it is 'wet-ish' (not soaking wet!).  Wetting the label's front helps the label dry flat.  Your label can say anything, like "Witch", "Believe", "Fairies", "Spell", or more specific things like "Exorcism", "Add Romance" and so on, whatever pertains to your spell.
e.  Once the label is glued on well, use craft paint off many kinds and varieties to paint flowers and vines all over the outside of the glass jar;  use the paint in the squeeze bottles that makes '3-D' designs, puffs, or is tropical or 'hot' colors (like 'hot' pink).  But make sure you use a color theme, so it looks like it 'goes together'.  Some color themes are:  black and orange;  mossy green and lavender;  yellow, pink and tangerine;  antique white and ivory;  If you can't figure out a good color theme, go shopping for clothes and use your camera phone to take pictures of clothes you like, then match the colors in one clothing item up to paints at the craft store - designers have already professionally matched up these colors to 'go together' for you, why not take advantage of their knowledge?
e.  Paint the jar lid the SAME color as the jar interior, it looks more unified.
f.  You can glue gem stones, seeds, buttons, ribbon, lace or other tings to the jar lid if you want to;  use epoxy (thick) glue for this purpose;  super glue doesn't work as well, and school glue takes to long to dry.
g.  Once the jar is finished, fill it up with the things you would use in a spell you want to cast.  In fact, you should actually go on and cast the spell, and as you cast it, fill the things from the spell into the spell jar.  When your jar is full, 'if' you like, you can use the epoxy glue to glue the lid on tightly, which takes on a couple of seconds, just run the epoxy around the inside of the lid and screw it on tightly, then use a tissue to wipe off any excess glue.
9.  use the candle from your spell to 'seal' the spell jar, by pouring wax over the jar lid so it dribbles down the jar sides. 
10.  When the wax is hardened, place the jar in the room where you want the energy of the spell to radiate through the room on a low level.  The energy will radiate full time, and it will build up in the room over time, so don't move the jar a lot.  If you find you do move the jar, give it 24 hours to 'get settled' and begin to radiate energy again.

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