Monday, July 8, 2013

A Basic MONEY Spell....

Money can be tight.  We all know it.  Should we cast a spell to gain money?  There are pro's and con's to this question.  On the one hand, if you are in dire need, it may be ok to cast a money spell, provided you have already tried all other means to gain the money in a natural way.  Before casting a money spell, ask these questions of yourself:

*Am I casting a money spell for personal gain, or greed issues?
*Do I really need the money?
*Have I tried getting an extra job, even if it is a small, one-time job, like mowing a neighbor's yard, to get the extra money I need?
*Am I a good steward of my money, or am I wasting it on things I don't need, only to come up short when I have an emergency?

If you are not taking good care of your money, asking for money by casting a spell may not be a very good option, because, well, there is 'negative' energy floating around the spell before you even begin it.  If you are greedy, this energy may affect the spell negatively.  If you are lazy, and haven't tried to gain the money in an honest, natural way, this energy may also effect the spell negatively.  If you have wasted your money on things you do not need, and then go asking for money in a spell, you are being irresponsible, and this kind of energy may also affect your spell negatively.  So don't be hastey in your plans to go out and perform a money spell just yet.  Sit down and be fully honest with yourself.  Get out some paper and make out a list - of things you can do to earn a few extra dollars, or, if you need a lot of money, consider switching careers, or moving your hours up from part time to full time and so on.  Consider what you can sell, pay off, or do without for a while.  Maybe you wish for money, but the money will be spent on something you don't really need, a situation which will erase your 'need' for money altogether.  Your first 'homework' assignment is to really make a sincere effort to repair your money problem yourself - naturally.  If all else has failed and you really, truly need to work with energy to gain money, you can try this spell.  If it does not work, you may have to 'tweak' it to suit your needs and I will give you some tips on this.  Anyway, here is the spell.

*1 green candle
*1/4 teaspoon olive oil;  speak over the oil saying, "I ask that this oil be blessed with the ability to draw money to me for a sincere need."
*1 nail
*1 piece of light green paper
*1 ink pen, crayon or colored pencil (green)
*1 tablespoon of edible dill weed
*1 tablespoon of 'dollar weed' (it grows out in the yard in is a weed and is not edible, so do not eat it if you can obtain it.  If you can not obtain it, use the greenery from carrot tops instead, which would eventually grow into Queen Ann's Lace, and represents great wealth and money.  You can use the carrot top greens whole or you can chop them up
*1 green gemstone pendent (fake or real emerald is fine), dangling from a chain or string.
*1 small dish containing a few coins (if you only have one penny, that's enough;  If you don't have a penny, draw a picture of a penny)
*1/4 cup of normal table salt

Upon the piece of green paper, and using the green pen, write this incantation:
Dollar Weed, Dill, and coins in a dish, I ask for money, this is my wish.  The Emerald so green, drawing up from the light, the money I ask for by day and by night.  I'm only inclined to ask for this lot, because I am needful for what I haven't got.  Dollar Weed, Dill and Coins in a dish,  I ask for money, this is my wish...I am thankful in advance for that which I ask to receive, which is $___.__ to be used for _________ and I need it by ______ (date), So Mote It be.

1.    Gather everything and take it all to your Escritoire to set it up. 
2.  Take the nail and use it to write on the candle the exact dollar amount you need, and what you need it for.
3.  Hold the candle so the base is touching your chest at your breast bone, and so that the wick is pointing away from you.  Take care not to get oil on your clothes (you can use a napkin to protect your clothes if you wish)
4.  Dipping your fingers into the olive oil, gently wipe the candle from the top (which is far away from you) to the base (which is near to you/touching your chest);  rotate the candle until all of the candle has been anointed with the blessed oil.  As you do this, say, "May this candle be blessed to draw money toward me. So Mote It Be."  Notice that you are wiping the oil toward you as you say this, to draw things toward you.
5.  Set the candle in its candle holder
6.  Set the dish of coins next to the candle
7.  Sprinkle the dill weed around the candle base and the dish of coins;  do the same with the dollar weed or the carrot top greenery.  DON'T FORGET TO POUR THE SALT AROUND YOUR SPELL IN A PROTECTIVE CIRCLE.  At this time, make a salt circle where you are standing, and then ask for the protection of All-Good over your spell and over yourself, such that no stray, interfering energy can push the spell's energy off course or affect you negatively in any way.
8.  Light the candle
9.  Dangle the green gem stone over the candle and the dish of money as you speak the incantation
10.  Speak the incantation out loud, 3 x 3 (9 times).  Speak the incantation, slowly, clearly and really concentrate on it.  You can read it.  Say it exactly.  As you say it, visualize the money you are asking for to be in your hand.  See it in your hand very clearly.  Try to feel it in your hand from the perspective of your mind's eye.
11.  When you are done with the incantation, fold the paper of the incantation up neatly. 
12.  Place the dish at a window near your front door (front door is for what comes 'in';  back door is for what goes 'out'), with the folded incantation beneath the dish - this will attract money 'into' your home. 
13.  Put everything away.  the spell is done.  Stop worrying about it, and go and do everything you can to get through your financial crisis - this continues to add positive energy to the spell.  If the money is meant to come to you it will come.  Do NOT speak about this spell to anyone.  Keep silent.

Remember that spell casting has about 80% odds of success.  Sometimes what you are asking for is not meant for you at the time you ask.  Later you may recognize why and say to yourself, "If I had gotten what I asked for, look what would have gone wrong..."  Therefore, accept what comes to you.

Tweak the spell:  If the  spell does not work...try a few things:  Cast the spell on a waxing (growing) moon;  re-assess your genuine need for the money;  did you concentrate on the spell or did your mind wander to other things more important to you?  If your mind wandered did you see any change in that part of your life, in regard to money?  Are you allergic to any of the ingredients?  If you are, this may 'repel' the spell's energy subconsciously.  Do you have malevolent plans for the use of the money?  If you do, you may not get what you ask for.  Does someone you know need the money more than you?  If they have a greater need, then maybe you are actually greedy, but do not realize it, so re-assess your request. If you try the spell again, then, ALSO, light the candle every night for 9 nights and say the incantation 3 times.  Yes, you may blow out the candle when you are finished with the spell... 


1 comment:

  1. thanks to mother sunlight daughter of jai mata durga. 11yrs
    in marriage no child my husband was frustrated and put the
    blame on me then he started going out with ladies. there is
    nothing i have not do to stop this but i ended up been divorced.
    i am 34yrs old and and can't get married again and as my husband
    i love him so very much that i can't love another, so ever since
    then i been trying all i could to get him back but all works were
    all in vain and i have contacted so many spell casters many of them
    some ended up telling me i am under a curse i should sleep at the bury
    ground by 12;00am and when i refuse in exchange because they knew i can't
    do that they told me i have spoilt the spell i have been like that but
    thanks to sunlight truthful and compassionate i saw a comment by vicky
    first how she got her pregnant by her powers and just a month ago brought
    back her husband that was when i contacted with my whole story and she did
    not fail first she put a charm on my husband. he just called me and told
    me all the things he use to tell me long time ago when we first met and then
    he pleaded that he was sorry. we settled that sameday then i quickly mail
    goddess sunlight." the situation and she told me that i must sleep with him
    and i did' so told her everything then she told me blessed your case has been
    solved. today make it three weeks i am pregnant and i am living happily with
    my husband ever since sunlight brought he back she also change him now he don't
    get drunk, don't smoke weed anymore he stopped telling lies and stopped cheating
    on our marriage i am so happy to share this that if anyone on this blog need
    solutions anything help at all sunlight is the answer and her
    email is thanks mother sunlight for what you did for me
    i am ver greatful thanks ma'am.
