Lots of people want to know what the 'proper' way to be initiated into Witchcraft might be. There are many groups around that 'claim' they have the 'right' kind of initiation. But looking back into history we find out what went on historically.
Most Witches Covens don't have a history to report. If they do, it often does not include an initiation. In this post we will discover why an initiation is important, what it means, and how to do one.
As stated in an earlier post, COVEN 1658 is 'Sovereign'. This means we are fully unrelated to any other group of witches since our inception prior to 1576, and again in 1658. To briefly review our history, a woman named Bessie Dunlop was approached by the ghost of a man named Thomas Reid. He invited her to meet the Fairies, but challenged her to give up her commitment to all-good, and she refused. Thus passing this 'test' he took her to meet the Fairies out in a nearby forest, where they counted her worthy to become initiated with their magic. (Coven 1658 does not use the spelling 'magick' because that's a modern invention, and not historic for us; but if you like it better, you may use it; also, the computer self-corrects the spelling and its just not fun to go back and keep 'fixing' the word... anyway...) The Fairies were real and Bessie Dunlop's official court records reveal much about her meeting with them. To initiate her with their magic, the Fairy Queen extended unto her a scepter, called 'The Silver Bough', which was a wand that transferred the Fairy magic, stored in the full moon's light, to Bessie Dunlop for her access, provided that she use it for good at all times. she was told she would loose access to this magic if she ever used it for evil purposes and she agreed, which is, of course, why they chose to initiate her. They also told her that if she did not pass this access to magic down through initiation to others who had committed to use it for good, it would be lost forever - they would not re-initiate her, and it could not be accessed just because someone desired to have it; the Fairies had to give permission to access it, in order for anyone to gain use of these powers. She was told that should she accidentally use this magic for malevolence, she could become re-empowered at the night of the next full moon, provided she had genuinely renounced evil within her heart, as could any other person she initiated. She was told to bring her wand to each Full Moon (called an Esbat), and by re-empowering it, she would be able to return home to re-empower all her other tools, both new and established.
In this history, we have some rules for an initiation. The first 'rule' is, you can't just go anywhere and become 'initiated'. If a Coven does not have a historical lineage back in time to the Fairies, who guard this magick and distribute it through the full moon light, you won't be able to access it. You can stand under the light of the full moon for hours, month after month and never gain an ounce of power, if the person or Coven initiating you has no power to give you. This power has to come from the Fairies, and has to be passed down to you from someone who has received it in a traceable lineage back to its origin - back to Bessie Dunlop, who first received it from the Fairies themselves. This is at least the way COVEN 1658 has received power to work magic. We can not comment on any other individual, group or coven of witches and how they were given permission to access magic powers, or what type of magic powers they were given to use. There are many kinds of energies out there and an individual, group or coven can do many things - they can 'say' they have power, when they don't; they can access power by mistake or accident, when they have no right to use it; they can gain access to magic and use it to bring harm when they should not and the power will return to them as karma, bringing them a return of harm if the Divine so decides to send it to them. COVEN 1658 can not guarantee any other source of power or form of it except that which we were given to share, through our initiation process, which passes down a literal and real access to these powers.
Further, each person is a different personality. Some people are more talented at accessing power, visualizing it, and blending their own intention with that power, to sent it out to do its 'work'. Some people just aren't good at it. They may have been given it, but things don't work for them magically because they lack natural talent, which largely develops with practice. Other people have a natural ability to access magic without any initiation at all, which may be because they are hereditary witches, and haven't been informed of this special gift.
COVEN 1658's goal is to initiate others so the benevolent magic of the Good Fairies can continue, just as Bessie Dunlop promised them it would...and just as the Hierophant, John Guillieland, and his High Priestess, Violat Guillieland, committed to do after Violat's escape from the Scottish Witch Trials in 1658 (and John's execution). Their wish was to share this good, healing, helping magic with others who would commit to doing only good with it, so that this special gift would not be lost to the world.
Many Covens expect people to go through classes, spend money, learn, learn, learn....and jump through a lot of 'hoops'. COVEN 1658 does not expect this of anyone prior to their initiation. Instead we want your commitment to DO GOOD at ALL TIMES with the magic we initiate others with. We know that if only a person commits to do good with the magic they are given, then good will happen. Those truly interested in magic will commit to COVEN 1658 as a means of helping this coven become restored in the modern world, and proudly claim their membership in COVEN 1658 as a member of an historical coven that dates back to its two beginnings - one prior to 1576, and the other in 1658. They will re-tell the story of our Coven's origin to everyone, and initiate others into this good magic and will not try to change their religion, provided it is a religion that embraced only good. This is not 'Wicca' - it is not a religion. It is a DISCIPLINE. A discipline of identifying energy in natural objects and combining that energy with personal will to create positive transformation in our world, in order to help and heal the Divine, Self, Others and our Earth. Much of this can be done by personal commitment, personal choice, and mundane activities, such as picking up that trash on the roadside, or riding your bike to the grocery store instead of taking the car, or giving extra money to a charity, and by never disparaging a religion that many groups of witches try to condemn (Christianity). It is our duty to love those who brought us harm in the past. Perhaps they have something to learn about themselves and us. In fact, some of us may be Christians and we need to go back to those we know and encourage them learn to love others at all times, and let the Divine make the judgment calls.
So about this initiation...how is it done? COVEN 1658 is not about 'difficult rituals'. Becoming a COVEN 1658 Witch is really a matter of your commitment to our Coven and to doing good with the powers you have been allowed access to. Here is the basic instructions to the Rite of Initiation. This Rite does not dis-connect you from your religion of choice, if you do not wish for a disconnection. You can go on to continue practicing your religion as you always have. All we ask is that your religion be one that embraces 'all-good' and that you renounce 'all-evil', including any deity names mentioned in ANY religion that represent malevolence.
INITIATION INSTRUCTIONS: This initiation must be done on the night of a FULL MOON, NO EXCEPTIONS. It would break tradition to perform it at any other time, and because the magic you will be given access to is stored in the light of the Full Moon, the only time you can access this magic through initiation is on the night of the Full Moon.
In short, it means you are a witch, exclusively dedicated to the COVEN 1658 Tradition and to no other Coven. We realize we can not force anyone to be exclusive with us, but it is important to us and we ask you to please be exclusive. We have many reasons for asking this. For one thing, we are an historical coven, and we need to have people be fully dedicated to rebuilding this coven, which is still recovering from the burning times. 400 years have gone by, approximately, and we are only now gaining the bravery to share this knowledge with others. Sharing this knowledge is a big step for us. We hope you will take this seriously, and help us re-build this coven with your full dedication to us and no others. For another thing, when people participate in several organizations its very easy to say, "Well, how we do it in the other place is...." and then replace our traditional, historic procedures with those of another group - a group that may be modern, and have no link to the era of our origins. For this reason, we wish to keep our procedures pure. We are 'Sovereign' for a reason - we are unrelated to any other group of Witches and have remained so since 1658. Now is hardly the time to begin changing things. In fact, we desire to keep things as they have always been. that's what makes us a 'tradition' that is 'historical'. We appreciate your dedication to helping us accomplish this in advance - THANKS!
1. By initiating into COVEN 1658, you are committing to be EXCLUSIVE with Coven 1658 and NO OTHER COVEN. This is because other covens may teach things that are in conflict with COVEN 1658 principles. Further, we do not want you to bring into our coven practices any other practices, since it is our goal to keep Coven 1658's methods historically pure. To work with any other Coven will eventually cause people to bring in different methods and then Coven 1658 will not be a pure tradition any more. We only ask of you 2 things - to be exclusive to our coven, and to only work magic for the purposes of good.
On the night of a full moon, collect a goblet of apple juice, and a plate of white, circle shaped cookies of your choice. Set them upon a table near a wall mirror, or if you don't have one, a standing, table mirror will suffice. If you wish, you can perform this Rite outside beneath the FULL MOON. This initiation must be done on the night of the FULL MOON after dark. It will not work on any other night. Upon the table, also lay a silver pendent that is in the shape of a 'Triskele' (a Celtic 3 pointed knotwork design); this Triskele is your symbol of initiation into COVEN 1658; it can be any Triskele design you like so long as it does not depict any form of evil. It should be silver, or at least silver colored. You will ALSO need to 'MAKE' a necklace that contains the numbers 1658; you can make this necklace from beads that have numbers upon them. You can, of course order numbers from an on-line bead wearhouse, or you can paint the numbers on beads until you have the time, or money, to purchase numerical beads. The '1658' necklace is your connection and commitment to be a member of COVEN 1658 exclusively, and to never join another coven. Coven 1658 gives you great freedom, and only asks you to align with all-good. It is the best coven to be a member of. It is also one of the few truly historical covens that offers membership to everyone FOR FREE. This is because COVEN 1658 is a genuine coven - we are not out to 'cash in' on you. We really, truly need to pass on this initiation so that the magick we gained from the benevolent Fairies can continue on. This is the most important reason our current High Priestess is responsible for COVEN 1658. Passing on this special endowment is not about money. It is about preservation of this historical coven. Upon the table also have a white pillar candle and matches. Also have a wand. You may purchase any wand you like, or you can go out into the back yard, or a park and pick up a natural wood branch that is approximately 22 inches in length and about 1 inch in diameter. You can leave it completely natural if you want, or you can sand it, shellac it, paint it with glitter, and glue on gem stones, to it. You can wind fabric, or ribbon around it, and you can even carve your name in its side and your date of initiation if you want to. Yes, there are many 'mystical' alphabets out there, but for initiation, you have not been introduced to these things, and so, using your own alphabet and your own language is just fine. the purpose of the wand is to operate as a transport device of the magick contained in the moon's light to you during your initiation. A 'meaningful' color for this wand is silver, because, that is the color the scepter was when the Fairies first initiated Bessie Dunlop. But all of this is completely unnecessary. If you can but acquire a branch of the designated size, you can become initiated into COVEN 1658.
2. Take a 'preparatory' bath. This bath represents your willingness to enter into benevolence and healing practices using the power the Fairies have given COVEN 1658 access to have. The water should be pure - don't put any bubble bath in it, do not float herbs in it, or any other such thing. When you disrobe to get into the bathtub (not shower), you are removing your connection to the bad deeds you performed from that moment backwards. You are, in essence, renouncing evil when you take off your street clothing. Get into the tub, and give yourself a good scrub down. But think about not only scrubbing the daily dirt of the physical experience, but also the mental 'dirt' of your attraction to evil and bad deeds, which everyone is attracted to. You don't have to think about specific evils you have done, only focus on your desire to stop the attraction to doing wrong, whatever it is. Focus on how you will make better choice not to bring harm or unhappiness to the Divine, Self, Others and our Earth, and make a special commitment to recognizing when harm comes to others because of your choices. Realize that part of choosing to do good, is to recognize harm and choose to stay away from it, which can be difficult at times. When you get out of the tub, and dry off, wear a robe you have selected to represent your initiation into COVEN 1658. As an Elizabethan Era Coven, we recommend a simple, long, black gown. To better picture this gown, look up 'Morticia Addams' on the internet. She was a character in an American comedy program in the 1960's, and her attire is 'classic witch'; there can be no better depiction of a classic witches attire than hers. This gown is your attire when you attend Esbats (full moon re-empowerments), as well as Sabbats (the Celtic Feasts), and also when you work to help clients who come to you. Because Witchcraft is a vocation, you must dress professionally, and 'this' is the professional attire of a classic witch. It is also a very affordable outfit, and does not show stains or wear. Further, if you are on a budget, it is a classic enough pattern, that some people might be able to make it. If you are a man. You may wear an all-black men's gown or robe, or a man's professional black slacks, white business shirt, and dark tie. A COVEN 1658 Witch is not expected to wear this attire to their job. Dress normally when you work, go shopping, go to restaurants and so on.
3. When you are done dressing, groom yourself nicely. Witches are well groomed and professional looking. Even if they practice solitary (alone). Then go and stand before your table. Light your white candle with the matches.
4. Looking into your mirror, pick up your wand, and your Triskele pendent, and your '1658' necklace; holding them up together with both hands, raise the wand and triskele pendent, and '1658' necklace upward and point the tip of the wand to the Moon. This act channels the magic contained in the moon to you, giving you access to this magic, with the permission of the benevolent Fairies. This act also charges the wand so that it can transfer this benevolent magick to your other witches tools as you acquire them, and it also seals this magick into your Triskele and '1658' pendants, which is very, very important.
5. Look straight into the mirror and say, "I commit to practice the Art, Metaphysical Science, Vocation and Culture of Coven 1658 Witchcraft, using benevolence in all my thoughts, words and actions from here forth in my use of magic powers, as endowed to me this night by the benevolent Fairies initiated Bessie Dunlop, and through whom the Hierophant, John Guillieland and his High Priestess, Violat Guillieland, it was handed down through an unbroken link until today. I ask permission to have access to this magic which is stored in the moon's light, knowing that, should I ever use this power for any malevolence or evil at any time, it will be retracted from me at my own choice, until such time as I genuinely renounce evil; only then can I return at the next Esbat to become re-empowered with this magic. That said, I commit to returning at every moon, in every month, to re-commit to doing good with this magick and to become re-empowered with this benevolent magic which the Fairies endowed to all who are dedicated to Coven 1658 exclusively. this night I have become a Traditional Witch of Coven 1658, practicing Celtic White Witchcraft. I thank the current High Priestess Moon Goddess, who has given this initiation to me for my good and benevolent use at all times. I further take on the ethical regulations to 'Do what I will and harm none', recognizing that 'what I do will return to me multiplied', and therefore I take these regulations seriously in regard to the Divine, Self, Others and the Earth. I am a Witch this night in the profound and exclusive, historical COVEN 1658, So Mote It Be.
6. Lay the wand down on the table. Pick up the goblet of apple juice. Say, "This goblet of ale represents the Celtic symbol of immortality. May I always live to do good and not evil. Let my drinking of this Goblet seal unto me my initiation into COVEN 1658, So Mote it be." Then drink the contents of the goblet in full.
7. Take a round, circle-shaped cookie from the plate and say, "This cake represents the Moon above me, where in is stored the magic of the benevolent Fairies, who have given COVEN 1658 the privilege of sharing it through this initiation process. By eating this cake, I agree to use this magic for benevolent and good purposes only, and seal my commitment to this use of magic for good purposes only, So Mote It Be." Eat the Cake.
8. By eating the cakes and ale, you have asked to have the best kind of benevolent magic endowed to your access and use. You have committed to using your best and most benevolent acts in every day life as well as in Magic and spell-working procedures. there has been an exchange made - an agreement between you and the Fairies who first initiated Bessie Dunlop, and through whom it was given to the Hierophant John Guillieland, and his High Priestess, Violat Guillieland, who sacrificed much to keep it alive and pass it down to this era. You have promised the current High Priestess of Coven 1658 that you will use this magic for good only. But most of all, you have promised yourself that you will use magic to help and not harm at all times, and you know that should you attempt to use this magic for evil, it will be retracted from you until you can genuinely renounce evil in mind and action; only then can you return to the Esbat/Full Moon and re-empower. You are expected to return to the Esbat/Full Moon every month for the sole purpose of becoming re-empowered with this benevolent Fairy Magic. Should you miss an Esbat, your magic will grow weak. If you remember to re-empower on the Esbat/Full Moon, your magic will grow stronger. You are also allowed to help others become initiated into COVEN 1658. They must also abide by the same commitment to be exclusively dedicated to COVEN 1658, and no other coven, just as you have, and to wear the two amulets - the triskele and the '1658'; these amulets are 'keys' to your access to power through the month until the next moon and without them, you will not be able to gain access to the power of the benevolent Fairies.
9. Put on the Triskele pendent, and the '1658' necklace- these, have now become AMULETS (and are not pendants any more) - they are now protective, charged objects that contain the power of the moon in them, and the benevolent Fairy Magic is held inside each of these AMULETS. These AMULETS will protect you from negative energy, and will help you remember to make good decisions to do good and stay away from evil. You must wear them at all times because they are your 'keys' to keeping this benevolent power with you. If you loose these AMULETS, or if they become stolen, their power will automatically be cut off, so no one else will be able to accidentally use the power that was given to you alone. You will have to get another pendent and charge it at the next Esbat/Full Moon, in the re-empowerment rite.
10. The Initiation Rite has ended. You may go and do other things, for example, if you have attended with other persons, you may enjoy refreshments. If you are alone, you may wish to work a spell, or read for your educational purposes about magic.
11. At the next full moon, repeat this initiation - it is your re-empowerment Rite. Perform it exactly as written. It can not be changed or altered. If you have any other persons wishing to become initiated, you must give them access to this blog so they can perform it; you may help them perform it as well. You may re-empower at the next Esbat as a Solitary practitioner, or you may re-empower with others who are sincere in being exclusively dedicated to COVEN 1658.
REVIEW: This concludes instructions for the COVEN 1658 initiation process. Please remember that ANY act of malevolence will weaken or even prevent your access to the benevolent Fairy powers. But that you may re-empower and have renewed access to them at the next full moon, provided that you genuinely renounce evil and malevolence. Further, you are expected to re-empower, using this same rite at every full moon. To neglect to do so will weaken your powers; to re-empower at every Esbat keeps your powers strong; they will grow over time as you learn to use them better and better. You must wear your two AMULETS every day - the Triskele, and the '1658' pendents that have been charged with 1658 Magic; they are 'KEY' to your access to power at all times. If you loose them you will have to get new ones and charge them at the next Esbat. No one else will be able to use the AMULETS that were charged for your use, not even another COVEN 1658 MEMBER. You have committed to doing only good with your magic, and to only represent COVEN 1658. You have great power and great freedom in your quest to use magic for good. Welcome to COVEN 1658!
ReplyDeleteIs there a way to contact some initiate of the Coven 1658 tradition for seekers ?
I really enjoyed reading this post, big fan. Keep up the good work andplease tell me when can you publish more articles or where can I read more on the subject? real witch spells
ReplyDeleteWhomever wrote this has tried a couple times to get this coven started this way but it has flopped both times. They won't even reveal their identity. In another attempt they were tryig to sell spell boxes, yet never had a link to purchase from and again no identity. This is not how covens work.