Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Magick of Flowers

Summer is filled with beautiful flowers...everywhere.  Some are cultured flowers, others are weeds.  They each have beauty and value in the magickal lifestyle.  What should you do with flowers?

Cut flower heads off once they are spent (dead).  Keep each kind of flower in a separate jar.  If you are collecting roses, keep the unbloomed buds on one jar, and the petals of opened roses in another.  You might even wish to keep different colors of rose petals in different jars as well. 

What do you do with these different flowers?  Each flower type has a magickal meaning.  As you look up the meaning for each kind of flower, write it down and keep the notation in each jar, or glue it to the glass.

When you need the cast a spell, go to your dried flower storage jars.  These make wonderful additions for spells. 

But make sure you dry them out first.  Once the flowers are dried out, you can add incense to them, or scented oil.  They smell good and make a nice addition to a mojo bag, where you can also place a gemstone or other kind of amulet. 

You can also glue dried flowers into your Spell Book - each page of the Spell Book can have a different spell written in it, and be accompanied by the flowers and herbs that make the spell gain energy - just glue them into the book and you won't have to go seeking out the ingredients again.  Everything you need to perform for the spell can be glued into the pages of your spell book as pressed flowers, herbs and minerals. 

You can also use dried flower buds in natural necklaces.  Although they are somewhat fragile, they are beautiful, delicate and filled with energy.  Have you ever worn a necklace made from rose buds?  They are just gorgeous.  Have you ever saved seeds from a squash?  dry them out and string them into a necklace as well, they have power too, and are quite pretty. 

Summer is a wonderful time of year, and it deserves some preservation, for when winter comes, it's that summer magic we need in our spells, when the sun was at its height and happiness was carefree and easy going.  This is the energy that summer flowers bring to other times of year. 

In each season, there are natural things to collect, and keep in jars for spells.  In a previous article, I explained how to make spell jars.  As you come up with empty food jars, make them into spell jars, and label them with the names of the flower petals and buds you have collected.  When fall comes, do likewise with seeds, pods and fallen leaves from different trees.  You can also use a spell jar for the pits from summer fruit...these also have special energy.  Using a fruit pit in an amulet bag is very powerful.  Such pits can also be glued to a 'soda can' tab and worn as a necklace.  But to make it beautiful, you will need to use an epoxy glue to attach the soda can tab to the back of the fruit pit, and then, when it is dried, spray it over with a high-gloss, clear spray paint.  Wearing fruit-pit jewelry can be very interesting, very beautiful and very powerful.  Inside the pits of different fruits is an entire tree, full of life and magick.  So please do not throw away the pits of fruit.  Save them in spell jars as well.  They can be used in spells and amulet bags just as gemstones can be used. 

Pet hair and human hair from hair cuts can also be kept in spell jars, and be used to radiate the energy of that kind of personality - a pet may have certain characteristics one may wish to obtain through a spell; Human hair contains the attributes of that person, such as the power of their zodiac sign, or the strengths of their personality.  As long as you charge the human hair such that no one can us it to bring harm to that person, it is ok to use a clipping of human hair in a mojo bag to gain the energy that person has naturally.  Perhaps you are a Taurus, and don't have the strengths of a Scorpio.  By obtaining a little but of a hair clipping from a friend who willingly gives you their hair, you can obtain his or her strong points to enhance your personality, without bringing that person harm.  This can be done likewise with pet hair. 

If you know you will be making spells for other people, you can keep such things in spell jars and organize these beautiful jars on shelves.  Not only do they add wonderful energy to your home, they also make great conversation pieces as well as memories, as you think about where you collected such things with family and friends, as well as who you made a mojo bag for. 

Part of your path is inter-connecting to people.  You do this by experience.  By collecting things for spell jars, and making mojo bags for others, your path is always a memory you have made with others.  This adds meaning to your life. 

Right now, it is summer.  Summer flowers are still growing, and blooming.  Soon they will not be.  It's time to collect those petals and buds and keep them in spell jars.  If you have not made a spell jar, collect them anyway, and keep them in zip-lock baggies after they dry.  Then, when you have time to make a spell jar, you can transfer them into their jars.

If you have a particular spell combination, which calls for several flowers, several herbs and so forth, you can make a mixture of these and keep them in a spell jar that is labeled for that spell.  When someone needs that combination of flowers and herbs, you will have it ready for them.  Then you can place 1-2 Tablespoons of the spell mixture in a mojo bag for them.  What a wonderful way to connect with others. 

If you do this, you will enjoy it.  What a way to connect with the natural world of beauty that surrounds us all!

Make A Spell Jar...

What is a 'Spell Jar'?  It is a jar that you put spell ingredients into, and then seal it.  As long as the seal remains in tact, the energy from the combined ingredients and your initial intention will radiate that intention at a low frequency, fulfilling that spell's intention for years to come. 

Some 'Spell Jar' themes might include:
*Attracting Romance
*Making Sex Better
*Managing Your Money Better
*Protection From Incoming Negative Energy
*Helping A Good Relationship to Remain Intact
*Removing Depression
*Getting Ghosts To Move On

In fact, the list is as long as the individual's needs.  You might want to make a 'Spell Jar' for each of the Celtic Witchcraft Feasts, or for the Esbat.  You might have a personal need, like having a better relationship with your neighbor, or family member.  Whatever it is, here is how to make an elementary 'Spell Jar'. 

1.  Wash out any food jar that you recently emptied, and then dry it.  Get the label off of it along with any glue.  You may need to use 'goo-gone' to get the sticky label-glue off of the glass.  If you don't have access to 'goo-gone' try immersing the jar in a pot of boiling water and keep scrubbing the glue off, but take care not to burn your hands.

2.  When the jar and lid are completely washed, free of labels and glue and dried thoroughly, you can do a few different things to it:

a.  Fill it up as it is.  this way you can see what is in it.  Set the jar where you need it to be.
b.  Make 'dots' all over the interior with 'glowing' craft paint - they come in many colors, then...
c.  Pour acrylic paint on the inside of the jar and 'swirl' it around until the interior is fully covered in paint, then pour the rest of the paint back into the paint jar (recently used house paint works well for this);
d.  Let the interior of the jar dry completely;  THEN GLUE A LABEL ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE JAR.  Do this with normal 'Elmer's Glue', or mod-podge type glue.  You can make a label by printing a Victorian or even a 'Halloween' Themed label off of the web, or you can tear a white piece of typing paper into a label shape, so the edges are torn-looking.  Put a thin layer of blue over the back of the label, or just draw the glue all over the label back with the nozzle of the glue bottle tip.  Put the label on the jar, and then, using a wet paint brush, gently paint over the front of the label so it is 'wet-ish' (not soaking wet!).  Wetting the label's front helps the label dry flat.  Your label can say anything, like "Witch", "Believe", "Fairies", "Spell", or more specific things like "Exorcism", "Add Romance" and so on, whatever pertains to your spell.
e.  Once the label is glued on well, use craft paint off many kinds and varieties to paint flowers and vines all over the outside of the glass jar;  use the paint in the squeeze bottles that makes '3-D' designs, puffs, or is tropical or 'hot' colors (like 'hot' pink).  But make sure you use a color theme, so it looks like it 'goes together'.  Some color themes are:  black and orange;  mossy green and lavender;  yellow, pink and tangerine;  antique white and ivory;  If you can't figure out a good color theme, go shopping for clothes and use your camera phone to take pictures of clothes you like, then match the colors in one clothing item up to paints at the craft store - designers have already professionally matched up these colors to 'go together' for you, why not take advantage of their knowledge?
e.  Paint the jar lid the SAME color as the jar interior, it looks more unified.
f.  You can glue gem stones, seeds, buttons, ribbon, lace or other tings to the jar lid if you want to;  use epoxy (thick) glue for this purpose;  super glue doesn't work as well, and school glue takes to long to dry.
g.  Once the jar is finished, fill it up with the things you would use in a spell you want to cast.  In fact, you should actually go on and cast the spell, and as you cast it, fill the things from the spell into the spell jar.  When your jar is full, 'if' you like, you can use the epoxy glue to glue the lid on tightly, which takes on a couple of seconds, just run the epoxy around the inside of the lid and screw it on tightly, then use a tissue to wipe off any excess glue.
9.  use the candle from your spell to 'seal' the spell jar, by pouring wax over the jar lid so it dribbles down the jar sides. 
10.  When the wax is hardened, place the jar in the room where you want the energy of the spell to radiate through the room on a low level.  The energy will radiate full time, and it will build up in the room over time, so don't move the jar a lot.  If you find you do move the jar, give it 24 hours to 'get settled' and begin to radiate energy again.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Kinds of Witchcraft...

The following article comes from a websight about different types of Witchcraft (link is listed at the end of this article).  the one thing it does not acknowledge is that in the Elizabethan era, Witchcraft was part of many lives, including those who practiced the Christian faith, and refused to renounce their Christianity - these people were called 'Cunning Folk' and were a 'blend' of both Christian and Witchcraft.  Witchcraft can be Pagan, but it does not necessarily have to be.  Traditional Witchcraft is not connected to religion at all in its philosophy, although members or adherents can certainly prescribe to the religion of their choice.   It can certainly be classified as Green Witchcraft, since we often make our own tools from the wild, and enjoy connecting to the Divine by going out doors into nature.   It is certainly Traditional Witchcraft, except that instead of contacting spirits in nature, we view that which we contact as 'natural energy' stored in the elements, which makes our type of Witchcraft more 'Elemental' in nature, where we define the Elements as 'raw materials' which are unconscious resources we can use in our art of magick, using metaphysical science to discern what category of energy to use in our spells.  We are similar to Appalacian Folk Witchcraft because we have similar origins - the Applacian mountain region is filled with Celts who came to the Americas in the late 1600's-early 1700's.  The 'hillbilly' language still spoken in many Appalacian regions is a 'frozen-in-time' example of Elizabethan English, with a very southern drawl, that developed over time, of course.  Like them, we also blend Christianity with Witchcraft, from our beginnings when Bessie Dunlop first was initiated, of course, and this was passed down through the family until today (we don't expect our adherents to do such, but because of how history unfolded, this is how things progressed through history.  We are certainly not Wiccan, as we are not a religion, but instead a philosophy.  We also uphold our Celtic Culture, but include our Germanic aspirations as well, because of the blend of the Germanic with the Celtic through the Anglo-Saxon invasions, which brought our people close in contact.  Ours is an Historical Coven that has come down to us in an unbroken chain.  We are happy to share COVEN 1658 with those who are interested in learning and helping us to bring our history into today.  The following article explains a bit about the 'types' of Witchcraft that are practiced...  


COVEN 1658 is a combination of a few kinds of Witchcraft:  it is Heredetary:  not only has the tradition been passed down through the family, but the gifts of the craft have been inherited by many in the family from birth.  It is also Kitchen Witchcraft - it is largely practiced at home, by the High Priestess and Hierophant, as well as the adhering Witches of our Coven. 


Modern Witchcraft

Witchcraft is a pagan religion. Pagan religions worship multiple deities rather than a single god. Paganism is one of the oldest religions and includes all religions that are not Christian, Muslim or Jewish, meaning Paganism includes the Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian and American Indian religions as well as all other nature-oriented religions. According to the 1998 Cambridge Fact Finder, Paganism accounts for 50 percent of all religions.
The word "Pagan" actually stems from the Latin Pagini or Paganus, words meaning "hearth" or "home dweller" or, more simply, "country person" -- those labeled as Pagans were considered inferior to those living in cities. It didn't, however, mean those people were "bad." It wasn't until the 1450s that fear of witchcraft became more prevalent, and people began associating witchcraft and paganism with devil worship, evil hexes and spells.

Types of Witchcraft

There are many types of witchcraft, many of which overlap and all of which can be defined in different ways by different people, but here are some rough guidelines for their designations:
  • African witchcraft: There are many types of witchcraft in Africa. The Azande of central Africa believe that witchcraft causes all types of misfortune. The "gift" of witchcraft, known as mangu, is passed from parent to child. Those possessing mangu aren't even aware of it and perform magick unconsciously while they sleep.
  • Appalachian folk magic: Those who practice witchcraft in the Appalachian mountains see good and evil as two distinct forces that are led by the Christian God and Devil, respectively. They believe there are certain conditions that their magick cannot cure. They also believe that witches are blessed with paranormal powers and can perform powerful magick that can be used for either good or evil purposes. They look to nature for omens and portents of the future.
  • Green witchcraft: A Green witch is very similar to a Kitchen/Cottage witch (see below) with the exception that the Green witch practices in the fields and forest in order to be closer to the Divine spirit. The Green witch makes his or her own tools from accessible materials from outdoors.
  • Hedge witchcraft: A Hedge witch is not part of a group or coven. This witch practices magick alone and works more with the green arts, herbal cures and spells. In the early days, Hedge witches were local wise men or women who cured illnesses and gave advice. They can be of any religion and are considered traditional witches (see below).
  • Hereditary witchcraft: Hereditary witches believe in "gifts" of the craft that are with a witch from birth, having been passed from generations before.
  • Kitchen/Cottage witchcraft: A Kitchen witch, or Cottage witch, practices magick around the hearth and home. The home is a sacred place, and the use of herbs is used often to bring protection, prosperity and healing. Kitchen witches often follow more than one path of witchcraft.
  • Pennsylvania Dutch hexcraft or "Pow-wow": When the Germans first arrived in Pennsylvania, Native Americans were there, so the term "pow-wow" to describe this practice may come from observations of Indian gatherings. Pow-wowing includes charms and incantations dating back to the Middle Ages, as well as elements borrowed from the Jewish Kabbalah and Christian Bible. Pow-wowing focuses on healing illnesses, protecting livestock, finding love or casting or removing hexes. Pow-wowers consider themselves to be Christians endowed with supernatural powers.
  • Traditional witchcraft: Traditional witchcraft often follows science, history and the arts as its foundation. While sharing the same respect for nature as the Wiccan witch (see below), traditional witches do not worship nature nor the god or goddess of Wicca. They contact spirits that are part of an unseen spirit world during rituals. Magick is more practical than ceremonial and focuses greatly on herbs and potions. This sect of witchcraft also has no law of harming none, but does believe in responsibility and honor. Hexes and curses, therefore, can be used in self-defense or for other types of protection.
  • Wicca: Wicca is one of the modern Pagan religions that worships the Earth and nature, and it is only about 60 years old. It was created in the 1940s and '50s by Gerald Gardner. Gardner defined witchcraft as a positive and life-affirming religion that includes divination, herblore, magic and psychic abilities. Wiccans take an oath to do no harm with their magick.
(This article was taken from this web link in full:  http://people.howstuffworks.com/witchcraft2.htm)

A Basic MONEY Spell....

Money can be tight.  We all know it.  Should we cast a spell to gain money?  There are pro's and con's to this question.  On the one hand, if you are in dire need, it may be ok to cast a money spell, provided you have already tried all other means to gain the money in a natural way.  Before casting a money spell, ask these questions of yourself:

*Am I casting a money spell for personal gain, or greed issues?
*Do I really need the money?
*Have I tried getting an extra job, even if it is a small, one-time job, like mowing a neighbor's yard, to get the extra money I need?
*Am I a good steward of my money, or am I wasting it on things I don't need, only to come up short when I have an emergency?

If you are not taking good care of your money, asking for money by casting a spell may not be a very good option, because, well, there is 'negative' energy floating around the spell before you even begin it.  If you are greedy, this energy may affect the spell negatively.  If you are lazy, and haven't tried to gain the money in an honest, natural way, this energy may also effect the spell negatively.  If you have wasted your money on things you do not need, and then go asking for money in a spell, you are being irresponsible, and this kind of energy may also affect your spell negatively.  So don't be hastey in your plans to go out and perform a money spell just yet.  Sit down and be fully honest with yourself.  Get out some paper and make out a list - of things you can do to earn a few extra dollars, or, if you need a lot of money, consider switching careers, or moving your hours up from part time to full time and so on.  Consider what you can sell, pay off, or do without for a while.  Maybe you wish for money, but the money will be spent on something you don't really need, a situation which will erase your 'need' for money altogether.  Your first 'homework' assignment is to really make a sincere effort to repair your money problem yourself - naturally.  If all else has failed and you really, truly need to work with energy to gain money, you can try this spell.  If it does not work, you may have to 'tweak' it to suit your needs and I will give you some tips on this.  Anyway, here is the spell.

*1 green candle
*1/4 teaspoon olive oil;  speak over the oil saying, "I ask that this oil be blessed with the ability to draw money to me for a sincere need."
*1 nail
*1 piece of light green paper
*1 ink pen, crayon or colored pencil (green)
*1 tablespoon of edible dill weed
*1 tablespoon of 'dollar weed' (it grows out in the yard in Texas...it is a weed and is not edible, so do not eat it if you can obtain it.  If you can not obtain it, use the greenery from carrot tops instead, which would eventually grow into Queen Ann's Lace, and represents great wealth and money.  You can use the carrot top greens whole or you can chop them up
*1 green gemstone pendent (fake or real emerald is fine), dangling from a chain or string.
*1 small dish containing a few coins (if you only have one penny, that's enough;  If you don't have a penny, draw a picture of a penny)
*1/4 cup of normal table salt

Upon the piece of green paper, and using the green pen, write this incantation:
Dollar Weed, Dill, and coins in a dish, I ask for money, this is my wish.  The Emerald so green, drawing up from the light, the money I ask for by day and by night.  I'm only inclined to ask for this lot, because I am needful for what I haven't got.  Dollar Weed, Dill and Coins in a dish,  I ask for money, this is my wish...I am thankful in advance for that which I ask to receive, which is $___.__ to be used for _________ and I need it by ______ (date), So Mote It be.

1.    Gather everything and take it all to your Escritoire to set it up. 
2.  Take the nail and use it to write on the candle the exact dollar amount you need, and what you need it for.
3.  Hold the candle so the base is touching your chest at your breast bone, and so that the wick is pointing away from you.  Take care not to get oil on your clothes (you can use a napkin to protect your clothes if you wish)
4.  Dipping your fingers into the olive oil, gently wipe the candle from the top (which is far away from you) to the base (which is near to you/touching your chest);  rotate the candle until all of the candle has been anointed with the blessed oil.  As you do this, say, "May this candle be blessed to draw money toward me. So Mote It Be."  Notice that you are wiping the oil toward you as you say this, to draw things toward you.
5.  Set the candle in its candle holder
6.  Set the dish of coins next to the candle
7.  Sprinkle the dill weed around the candle base and the dish of coins;  do the same with the dollar weed or the carrot top greenery.  DON'T FORGET TO POUR THE SALT AROUND YOUR SPELL IN A PROTECTIVE CIRCLE.  At this time, make a salt circle where you are standing, and then ask for the protection of All-Good over your spell and over yourself, such that no stray, interfering energy can push the spell's energy off course or affect you negatively in any way.
8.  Light the candle
9.  Dangle the green gem stone over the candle and the dish of money as you speak the incantation
10.  Speak the incantation out loud, 3 x 3 (9 times).  Speak the incantation, slowly, clearly and really concentrate on it.  You can read it.  Say it exactly.  As you say it, visualize the money you are asking for to be in your hand.  See it in your hand very clearly.  Try to feel it in your hand from the perspective of your mind's eye.
11.  When you are done with the incantation, fold the paper of the incantation up neatly. 
12.  Place the dish at a window near your front door (front door is for what comes 'in';  back door is for what goes 'out'), with the folded incantation beneath the dish - this will attract money 'into' your home. 
13.  Put everything away.  the spell is done.  Stop worrying about it, and go and do everything you can to get through your financial crisis - this continues to add positive energy to the spell.  If the money is meant to come to you it will come.  Do NOT speak about this spell to anyone.  Keep silent.

Remember that spell casting has about 80% odds of success.  Sometimes what you are asking for is not meant for you at the time you ask.  Later you may recognize why and say to yourself, "If I had gotten what I asked for, look what would have gone wrong..."  Therefore, accept what comes to you.

Tweak the spell:  If the  spell does not work...try a few things:  Cast the spell on a waxing (growing) moon;  re-assess your genuine need for the money;  did you concentrate on the spell or did your mind wander to other things more important to you?  If your mind wandered did you see any change in that part of your life, in regard to money?  Are you allergic to any of the ingredients?  If you are, this may 'repel' the spell's energy subconsciously.  Do you have malevolent plans for the use of the money?  If you do, you may not get what you ask for.  Does someone you know need the money more than you?  If they have a greater need, then maybe you are actually greedy, but do not realize it, so re-assess your request. If you try the spell again, then, ALSO, light the candle every night for 9 nights and say the incantation 3 times.  Yes, you may blow out the candle when you are finished with the spell... 


30 Tips for Witchy, Natural Beauty

Witches are nature-lovers.  This is true for beauty treatments as well.  In your kitchen right now, you may well have a slather of beauty treatments that you have not considered.  Your neighbor or co-worker may have pestered you to 'buy' beauty products that will 'turn back the clock' or otherwise correct a beauty problem you have been identified with by someone else, or have been conscious of for a while. 

I'd like to propose that what is sold in a bottle may not be all that 'miraculous'.  Major beauty suppliers want you to believe that you will not be able to achieve true beauty unless you buy their product.  This is false. 

For one thing, a major talk show host ran a program on television a few years back, explaining how all make-up and beauty supplies manufactured in the United States come out of two factories in New Jersey.  All of them.  From dollar store make-up, to the kind you have to buy from your neighbor's home business as a sales associate for a beauty company that has no store front.  From the expensive products at the mall, to those you buy at the grocery store.  All these products are manufactured in the same factory in New Jersey, have approximately the same formula, and have different shaped bottles and labels.  Some have a 'richer' grade of ingredients, as they should since they cost more. 

Further, when it comes to skin emollients there are only a few kinds.  There are those moisturizers made from vegetable oil.  There are others made from animal fats.  And there are those made from petroleum based oils.  that's it.  No matter what 'recipe' they use, manufacturers only have a few emollient ingredients to use. 

Then there are 'miracle' cosmetics - those that remove wrinkles and remove skin discoloration.  These products actually use chemicals not put into other kinds of make-up.  Wrinkle removers operate by only one means - they have a chemical that 'pulls' moisture up from the skin to fill in the wrinkle.  Once the chemical wears off, the wrinkles come back.  These things are not permanent.  They are just chemicals that wear off in a few hours, like Cinderella's carriage turned into a pumpkin at midnight.  they have their place, but they don't work permanently.  Likewise, there are products that even skin tone, in the event you have freckles, blotches, or age spots.  These work in two ways - they incorporate strong sun blocks so that your freckles and blotches fade out over time.  They may also have chemicals that help to fade out the darker areas of your skin.  If you have dark skin, some of these products have 'more' of the chemical so that your skin lightens up overall. 

Finally, there are over-the-counter acne medications.  Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.  If you struggle with acne and an over-the-counter remedy doesn't work, a trip to the dermatologist will provide you with an antibiotic to cure the acne from the inside out. 

So what 'natural' remedies and beauty treatments can be employed, and when should you use 'chemistry'?  Here is a basic natural beauty routine, that's natural, easy, and fun.

1.  Color your own hair.  While this is a chemical, it's cost effective.  There are many varieties of hair color you can use, and you can save money.  You may prefer that your hair turn silvery, but if not, there are even natural colors you can get from a health-food store. 

2.  Give your own hair a 'hot oil treatment', with olive oil that has been warmed up in the microwave or on the stove top.  Measure about 1/4 cup of olive oil and heat it up.  Be very careful not to burn yourself.  Massage the hot oil into your hair and then put a plastic shower cap over your hair for about an hour, taking it off every 20 minutes to massage it in again.  At the end of the hour, wash your hair with a higher quality shampoo;  wash it twice to get all traces of oil out of your hair.  then style as usual.  Do this every month.

3.  Do your own eyebrow grooming, and use a hair bleach to lighten facial hair.  Again this is a chemical, but you can save money doing this yourself. 

4.  Use Sea Salt to give your whole body a good scrub down to exfoliate old skin cells off, which will make your skin very smooth and silky.  Do this by putting about 1 Tablespoon of Kosher or Sea Salt in the palm of your hand, and then adding the liquid bath wash of your choice (shampoo or even dish soap is about as good as anything expensive for this purpose!)

5.  Slice and chill cucumbers, and then lay them all over your face, neck and chest.  The natural chemistry in cucumbers prevents wrinkles and refreshes your skin.  It's cooling on a sunburn as well. 

6.  Use citrus slices on a sunburn - vitamin C reduces swelling of a sunburn, and nourishes the skin.

7.  Use fresh coffee grounds on the face to reduce skin-pour size.  They also exfoliate the face and leave it fresh and beautiful, while working very gently.

8.  Use a 'pea' size drop of olive oil to smooth over the skin of your entire body, just after you get out of a hot bath - it holds in moisture and keeps your skin smooth, especially after you have exfoliated using the kosher salt/liquid soap mixture. 

9.  Use chilled tea bags on tired eyes.  The tannins in the tea help refresh the eyes, and may remove dark circles in some cases.

10.  Eat properly - eat a high protein diet for hair and finger nail growth;  check with your doctor about the best diet for you.  Some people increase problems with gout by a high protein diet, others get diabetes with a high carb diet.  Diet is very tricky and must be managed by a physician.  Try to eat 'natural' foods and avoid processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.

11.  Take vitamins and minerals, as prescribed by your doctor.  ask to have deficiencies checked, and ask your doctor to help you determine what vitamins you should be taking - calcium, and a daily multivitamin may be all you need, or not enough for your needs.

12.  Drink more water.  Water hydrates the skin, and keeps hair and nails healthy, as well as helping to clear out the bowels, removing toxins.  Beauty isn't skin deep, its system wide.  Water keeps your whole system in check.  Ask your doctor how much water you should be drinking.

13.  Cut out the use of alcohol, smoking, and recreational drug use (if you use such things) - these ruin your mind, body, metabolism and your general health.

14.  Exercise - check with your doctor to find out what kind of exercise you should get, and if it is safe for you to exercise.  If you are allowed to exercise, walking is a safe choice, as is using a jump rope on your own drive way.  Both are very inexpensive and promote cardio.  Healthy people who get clearance from their physician, are often permitted to engage in 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day by walking, and can work up from one minute using a jump rope, if they are healthy.  Use stairs to engage in 30 minutes of 'step-up' type exercise at home as well.  If you map out a 'route' in your neighborhood you can measure out a 1/2 mile route, starting at your own front door, you can take a break from just about anything and go for a walk in the same amount of time it would take you to drive over to a health club. 

15.  Take time to connect with the Divine every day.  15 minutes is enough.  Read, pray, or meditate.  If you are not religious, no matter.  Take time to focus on positive thinking instead, for a 15 minutes session every day.  Do things that promote serenity - light a candle, listen to relaxation music, or sit out in nature and enjoy the wild.  Taking a break from the hustle of the real world will refresh you inside and out.

16.  Maintain friendships.  We all work to much and see other people to little.  It may be refreshing to call up a friend (not through texting), and go have a bite out, or see a film, or just wander around the mall and chat.  Real friendship is better than virtual friendship any day.

17.  Have a physical every year, and go to the dentist.  Keep your body and teeth in working order - it goes a long way for health and beauty. 

18.  Add more cooking herbs to your cooking.  Fresh herbs have great benefits against cancer, diabetes, and other health problems - ask your doctor to make sure the herbs you select don't interact with any medicatiosn you have been taking by prescription or over the counter.

19.  Create something.  Do some art.  Glue something, paint something, sculpt something, sew, knit or crochet something.  It doesn't have to be very well done.  But it gets your mind off of over-eating, lack of friendship, anxiety or depression. 

20.  Work, but keep your work in balance.  Work is healthy.  It gives you a purpose.  If you don't like your job or career, plan out a way to achieve a different job or career to bring you greater daily success.

21. Buy make-up in the smallest packaging - it has an expiration date, and you will use it up in time if the packaging is smaller.  Fresh make-up of any brand is better than old make-up.

22.  Use pure soap products, not the kinds will lots of perfumes and chemicals.

23.  Get some sun exposure every day, but only a few minutes.  Your skin needs sunlight.  Just not very much.

24.  If you want to avoid getting freckles, use some sunblock on the skin below your eyes - using sunblock on your forehead can get into your eyes if you are active and sweat, and it BURNS!

25.  Wear sunglasses and a hat - avoid getting sunburn at all costs.

26.  Do your own manicure and pedicure in the bathtub.  After soaking in a nice hot tub, use an 'orange stick' to push back and trim cuticles,,  then remove old nail polish and trim your nails.  After you get out, nourish your nails with olive oil, and then apply a coat of finger nail polish.  If you are short on time, clear is the easiest to apply because if you 'mis-aim' no one will notice. 

27.  Wear gem stone jewelry - it does have energy that can empower you, protect you, shield you from negative energy. 

28.  Go barefoot sometimes - your feet need to be 'let out'.  It's healthy to be barefoot and it feels good, especially if you can walk through green, soft grass!

29.  Wear loose clothing in the evenings - your body needs to rest from being constricted in clothing.  Sometimes its even good for you to be free of underclothing for a while;  Loose pajamas are a great way to let your body reest from constrictive clothes.

30.  Get away from electronics for the weekend, and give yourself a break from electronics for at least one hour every day.  Electronics are nice but they take away from a healthy mind and spirit, as well as interfere with real inter-personal relationships.  Stop with virtual and get real.


A Day In The Life Of The Average Witch

Today.  What did I do today.  Well, I got up at 10:30 a.m., but that's because I go to bed late.  I ate breakfast and went on some errands with my family, some of whom were home today.  Home again, I am writing on this blog.  I'm also thinking about what I 'should' be doing and what I 'want' to do.  I 'should' be cleaning and re-organizing my Reliquary - it's a real mess.  I have collected a lot of wonderful, magick supplies, and I enjoy looking at all these things that have come to me over the years.  I especially like looking at these things because I know they have worked magick before.  These things really do connect me with the energies that combine with my intentions to create transformation.  These many things are also pretty.  I have two large, red-glass goblets and a red-glass floral vase that I use in Love incantations of many kinds.  Love always comes with these beautiful things when combined with the right incantations, and sometimes heartbreak is healed as well.  I also enjoy looking at my several decks of Tarot Cards.  I have a deck that is designed with a 'wizard' theme and the pictures are just beautiful to me.  I also should work on making my new Besom.  I found a wonderful, somewhat crooked tree branch that's just the right diameter and height.  I had cut some wild, dried grasses and wrapped them around the base of the limb.  Perhaps I should take it apart again and finish the broom stick...but it does look nice as it is, right out of the wild.  Still, it would look lovely if the bark were removed, it was sanded and stained, and if I etched some wonderful words of magick into it.  I also need more wild grasses to make it's 'skirt', and maybe some dried flowers.  I wonder what color of ribbon I ought to decorate it with?  Should I wind the ribbon up and around the broomstick?  Or should I just make a huge bow for the front of it.  I will have to remember to get some spray on glitter so that when it is finally finished, I can spray the skirt of the broomstick so it has that feeling of magick. 

I'd have to say that I love glitter.  Some witches are 'natural' witches, but I'm more of a glitter witch.  I like chandeliers, and formal gowns, swanky buffets, and formal flower bouquets.  If I'm out in the wild, please,  do set me up a striped tent, and bring me my lunch on a silver tray!  There's no reason to be out in the wild and live like a wild-thing.  Not me.  (Well...sometimes...), but I am just that kind of personality.  Just like everyone, Witches too have personalities.  Some are very 'natural', others very cultured.  Some are very liberal, and others very conservative.  Witchery doesn't necessarily change who you are, it just may enhance it instead. 

I have a few acquaintances who are Witches.  They are really nice people.  One owns a store.  A 'witchy' store and it's beautiful.  This person is 'all business'.  Another friend I have is very 'Middle Earth' and the wild just seems to continue growing right into her house.  she's an extremely cool person and completely different from who I am.  I also know a witch who is very dedicated to cooking and has a lovely home.  I myself am an artistic, glamour-puss witch.  That's just me.  My Reliquary is filled with things that have energy in them, from things that have happened.  Books with spells I have used that actually have worked, and worked well.  On my Escritoire, I have Spell Books in the making, as one page after the other dries, as the days go by, and I glue things into these special pages.  I make spell jars, and wishing jars, and mojo bags, and tarot card bags, but also baby blankets, and crochet hats, and I try to sew things - outfits, and craft items.  And I have made a quilt as well. 

I love to fry chicken.  I just learned how to do it right.  I had to watch Youtube to learn how.  It came out pretty nice!  I wonder if I should take a room apart and clean it thoroughly, or go ride my bike for the sake of exercise.  Or maybe I should enjoy a cup of coffee out in my back yard, which backs up to a wild life reserve, where the neighborhood happens to be located.  It's so beautiful in there.  A pleasure to just sit and hear the birds chatter. 

But for just a few minutes, I will sit in the family room with my loved ones and watch old sit-com T.V. programs, and rest for a few minutes before I continue on with my busy day.  Perhaps someone will need a Tarot Reading, or need me to work a spell for them.  I always welcome this.  I love to hear the results of how their reading or spell went, and people come to me weeks or months later, and let me know all the details, which I LOVE.  I also need a manicure and a pedicure, I need to take a day for 'beauty'.  That reminds me that I will write a post on Witch Beauty soon.  It's an interesting procedure.  You may enjoy some natural, Witchy beauty tips.  But that's next time.  Oh.  the commercial break is now over.  I'm going to finish this show and then on with my day.   

What Religion Were The Ancient Celts, Anyway?

The question of religion is an interesting one.  What 'is' religion, what is its function for the individual, for a group, and for different people groups in different times and places.  Your idea of what 'religion' is may be very different from someone else's.  We can argue all day long about what religion is, what one should believe in, where one goes after death, and so forth and never come to a conclusion.  Religion, ultimately, is a matter of faith, isn't it.

But when we want to know about a group of people in antiquity, and what their religion was, then 'our' opinion must be put on hold.  Our opinion does not count any more, because we want to gain facts, and facts can not be 'colored' by what we 'wish' those people were doing, to suit our own needs and practices today.  Anthropologists and Historians operate this way.  They don't care if their findings support a particular religion in question.  Instead, they want the facts...'just' the facts. 

In regard to what religion the Ancient Celts were, let's look at their history and see if we can find the 'facts'.

"Developing out of the late-Neolithic (proto-Celtic) Beaker peoples, the diverse cultures of the Celts covered most of Europe from during the Ancient era before, but by tenth century AD they had evolved and merged with others so much there were no 'Celts' left."  (http://europeanhistory.about.com/od/celts/Celts.htm)

Between 10,000 B.C. to around 2,000 B.C, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neolithic), the Celts existed across Europe but had various cultures, which were different from one another, much like English culture is different from American culture.  They were the 'same' people, but did things 'differently'.  While they most certainly had a religion, Archeologists and Historians have little information on what that was.  Of course we know certain things based on their funerary sights, but we have no written documents to tell us exactly what they celebrated (holidays), what kind of religious rites they performed (such as baptisms, or bar-mitzvahs in our modern world), or what moral restrictions they may have honored (dietary restrictions, required rites of passage, etc.).  In other words, we know almost nothing about the Ancient Celts in regard to their religion.  This is further complicated by the fact that even if a whole culture has a majority of individuals who claim to adhere to a particular religion, we still do not know how any one individual thinks about certain things about it, or what particular details they observe at home.  Compared to our own culture, we might look at the Yule Tide season, a.k.a. Christmas.  Most people put up a tree, decorate it, and put wrapped gifts under it.  Why people do this is very individual.  Some believe in Christianity;  Some believe in Paganism - two very different faiths.  Some wrap the gifts, others do not.  Some cook big, festive meals, others travel and don't bother to decorate their own homes.  And then there are those who would never dream of setting up a Christmas tree in their homes - some Christians believe it's 'to Pagan'....some Jews and Muslims might give the tradition a try, but most will not observe this regularly, and some Pagans will participate, but with very different religious sentiments than their Christian neighbors.  In our large culture, we have great diversity.  As we can see, observing even one aspect of a modern cultural and religious observance, where we 'can' ask the people who celebrate and observe such a thing, can vary greatly from house to house.  The Celts also had a very expansive culture that lasted for several THOUSAND years.  Thus to put 'one' label on what they did or believed is impossible.  Over this much time, there must have been many different beliefs systems that came into and out of their culture.  And those who adhered to one belief system or another, often would have observed their beliefs in individualized ways.  Just look around our  modern world - the 'western' world of Europe, Canada and America.  Its a large region where 'western' people live.  Can we say that everyone in 'western' culture is the same religion?  No.  If they were, would we be able to say they practice this religion 'the same way'?  Absolutely not.  Just take your care out and drive around your own neighborhood, and look for different churches, synagogues, and temples.  The first thing you will notice is that, in regard to just the Christian religion, there are many 'takes' on it - Catholic, and several kinds of Protestant, ranging from Presbyterian, to Baptist, from Methodist to Mormon.  Ever denomination has a drastically different idea of what the one religion should mean, how it should be practiced, and even severe differences in how to interpret different portions of that one singular faith.  If Celtic peoples living 10,000 years ago and on to around 2,000 B.C. were 'thinking people' (and they must have been), they certainly would have formed groups that disagreed with other groups.  Did they have massive, cultural religions?  They may have, since they built huge burial mounds and the remains of temples seem to tell us so.  Did they argue over doctrine as we do today?  If they are people, they did.  It's human nature to do so.  Further, we do not know what or who influenced different groups of Celts in regions where they lived.   

We don't know much about the ancient Celts.  But what we 'can' know we gain from pre-Christian Roman writers about them.  We know they believed in 'transmigration of the soul' (reincarnation), and in an afterlife.  We know they may have believed in a human-sacrifice type system.  We know they honored their dead, and that their culture observed the solstices and equinoxes as most cultures in the ancient world also did. 

When did the Celts 'stop' being Celts?  apparently, they had been inter-mixed with other people groups beginning around 2000 B.C. across Europe and the only Celtic people groups that remained were those in upper Britain - Scotland, Ireland, Wales, etc.  And we do have specific cultural activities, religious ideals, and festivals that we honor.  Of course the greatest and most well known of our fests is Samhain, (a.k.a. Halloween).  See here for a History Channel documentary on Halloween, which is much better said than I can type it: 

Modern people 'want' to restore Celtic antiquity.  This is a noble desire, and a difficult task.  By continuing on with the 'one' Feast Day that we all 'know' is of Celtic Origin, we are carrying on a very ancient Feast Day.  We must never let this day cease.  It is 'our' day.  It is our Culture.  It is the only things we know, for certain, that the Celts going back into deep antiquity, celebrated.  It is the only Feast we have that we know the ancient beliefs, and can also the modern transformation to our current culture.  In Halloween, is ensconsed our religious beliefs, and whether a Celtic person is a Christian or a Witch, or something in between (or a combination of both), matters not.  Halloween envelopes all these beliefs into one.  This really is the night of the Celts.  It is the night of Traditional Witches.  It is 'our' day.  Related to this day are Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh - these are the four Traditional Celtic Feast Days.  (The others were brought in from the Germanic culture).  To be 'purely Celtic' one would  only observe these four days. 

How shall we observe these days together as a people, when we are so far from one another?  Light a candle.  Remember our people.  We may not know what they did in times past, but we can connect with them by this simple rite. 

To observe these days simply, try this out:

HALLOWEEN/SAMHAIN SEASON:  Put up a display of 13 black candles surrounded by a wreath of orange-y autumn leaves. Keep them lit from October 31st, until the end of November when they should be burned out. 

IMBOLC SEASON:  Put up a display of 1 white candle surrounded by a branch wreath, which has been sprayed with silver-glitter spray.  This represents how new life and new chances sprouts from winter's earth.

BELTANE SEASON:  Put up a display of brilliant colored candles the colors of fruits and flowers.  Surround them with a wreath of beautiful flowers as well.  Represents that what was planted finally comes to be.

LUGHNASADH:  Put up a golden and wine colored candles surrounded by a wreath made from shafts of wheat and grapes.  This represents that what the fields gave us are now for our use, and fallow fields will prepare to bring forth our sustenance again in the future - it is a time to look forward, just as Lugh's mother did when she died preparing the grain fields for the future.

We need to remember as well that the Celts were and are a diverse people when it comes to considering the many religions that the Celts embraced over their/our long history.  Instead of drawing a line in the sand to say, "He's Pagan, She's Christian", we need to remember, we are all Celts, cut from the same cloth, and our religion is only a little part of our culture.  We are still family.  As the Celtic world moves forward in time, we must remember to remain true to ourselves and our Celtic heritage, and not let religion divide us.  Because up to now, it has not.